5 Ways to Get Excited About Writing Your Book

For many entrepreneurs, the thought Excitedof authorship makes them excited. And for good reason.

The title of author carries weight in the business world, opens doors to unique and valuable opportunities, and encourages people to listen to what you have to say with a bit more interest.

But the thought of writing a book can instill a fear that often stops the writer completely, causing anxiety and disappointment.

Writing a book doesn’t have to do this. I know this for sure because I was that writer who trembled at the thought of researching, writing, and completing a book manuscript. I shiver when I remember how I felt. Writing my book didn’t become easy until I changed my mindset.

You don’t have to tremble, shiver, feel disappointment, or anxiety.

You can feel satisfaction, joy, and excitement instead. Here’s how:

  1. Sit quietly and bring the image of your book in mind. See people reading it and nodding in agreement. Look at the excitement on people’s faces when they purchase it. Look at the manuscript and acknowledge that your hard work created this.
  2. Look at your book-writing project as a multi-part, doable task and not as a monolithic, never-ending job. Because that’s what it is. Your book can be written chapter by chapter in a time frame that’s manageable.
  3. Talk to your colleagues who would most want your book. Ask them to give you three reasons why they would purchase your book. Feel how wonderful it will be when they receive an autographed copy of your book. That’s a very good feeling indeed.
  4. Imagine the positive affects your book will have on your intended audience. The positive outcomes from them reading it. The epiphanies, and aha moments as they learn more about the subject matter and apply it to their lives and business. More good feels, right?
  5. Treat the weeks or months of writing as the temporary situation that it will be. In just months, MONTHS, your book is done, complete, ready to print, upload to Amazon, given away at events, to colleagues, family, and friends. The ultimate feels, no?

What you most need to do is see yourself as a winner when it comes to writing. See your project through to completion and reap its benefits.

And a big dose of satisfaction and joy.

You deserve more joy, don’t you think? And your audience deserves more of you in the form of a book.

Get excited. You’ve got this.