Writing M.O.

Write Stories Now Presents:

The Write Now! Workshop

For Business Professionals Who Want to Write a Book

You’re ready to write a book, and yet . . . . You hesitate because the thought of writing is so overwhelming.

Let’s remove your overwhelm so you can start, and continue, writing your book to completion.

The Write Now! Workshop will provide you the tools you need (and from past participants’ comments, excite you!):

* Apps you can use to define and refine your idea

* Tips that help you identify your core audience

* A site that will help tell you what genre book you are writing



* A popular social media site that gives you insights into the potential topic of your book

* Where online you can access simple business data that will tell you which books are your book’s competition

* Plus, how to write your book from a different angle from its competition

* Your genre and sub-genre selected

* An outline in the way of a logical Table of Contents

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July 15th from 11am to 12:30pm EST



Donec bibendum tortor non vestibulum dapibus. Cras id tempor risus. Curabitur eu dui pellentesque, pharetra purus viverra tristique nisi.
Donec bibendum tortor non vestibulum dapibus. Cras id tempor risus. Curabitur eu dui pellentesque, pharetra purus viverra tristique nisi.

– Divi Digest